LEO is fundamentally a network of people representing different places and knowledge backgrounds. A common theme among all, though, is a willingness to share experience, to collaborate and to help one another address specific questions about our changing environment.
To participate, the first step is to sign up and create a member profile. Many members are simply interested in reading the observations of others in order to stay informed about new events or to analyze trends, local impacts and responses. Others have a more active role as Observers, Consultants or Editors. Some people participate in more than one way.
Observers generally have expertise about a certain place, such as a neighborhood, park, lake, river or mountain range. These local area experts can detect subtle changes in weather, seasons, landscapes, plants and wildlife and in the built environment. When an event occurs, they can often describe not only what has happened but also the complex array of factors that help explain its significance and implications.
Consultants generally have expertise about specific subject matter and can provide helpful guidance. They often have years of experience studying of environmental systems and events. Examples include representatives from universities, government, tribes, nongovernmental organizations and private companies.
An Editor receives and reviews observations that have been submitted by Observers. It’s the Editor who facilitates the process of creating and publishing a report to the LEO Network. The system is collaborative and participatory, utilizing the perspective of those who can apply their knowledge to help shed light on the reported event.
Last Updated Jun 2, 2016