The Local Environmental Observer (LEO) Network is an organization whose members share observations and knowledge about unusual environmental events. The purpose of the Network is to increase understanding about environmental change and to help identify healthy and effective ways to adapt to those changes.
The Network is based on the idea that connecting people from different knowledge backgrounds is key to understanding our changing world. LEO was originally developed in Alaska to bring local area experts in rural communities into contact with topic experts who might be far away. Today, the Network includes people from many places, representing different knowledge backgrounds, and possessing a wide range of skills and expertise.
With LEO, you can share your observation and connect on a wide variety of topics with experts from different knowledge backgrounds–local, indigenous and scientific. You can also help detect emerging environmental concerns in your community and engage in a range of observer and citizen science opportunities.
LEO Network: the eyes, ears and voice of our changing environment.
Last Updated May 24, 2016