LEO Network

What are the criteria for publishing?

To be published, observations must meet a standard of professionalism and quality. The following six points are the basic qualifiers for a LEO observation or entry.

  1. Specific - The observation or entry is an event that is time and location specific.

  2. Witnessed - The event is witnessed by the observer, or submitted with a witness as a co-author.

  3. Significant - The observation is categorized as either extreme, unusual or significant.

  4. Complete - The observation or entry includes all the basic content needed - title, location, time, description, author and credits.

  5. Appropriate - The content is professional and for the purpose of education, not political or to further personal agendas.

  6. Respectful - The content is respectful of personal information, privacy and the general membership.

An observation that meets the LEO Network criteria can be published as a Project Report or as an Observation Report. The published reports are available on the website and via the mobile applications.

An example of an observation that meets the six criteria points for publishing: "Observation: Picture of Pavlov exploding into the air. It started on Sunday, March 27, 2016. This volcano is a very active volcano. Last eruption was just a year ago. We've been lucky each time with the ash, we received very little, if any ash fall. If I am correct, we only got a very light dust cover in the past, wasn't even enough to really notice unless you specifically knew what it was you were looking at. I personally, didn't even notice, until someone pointed it out that it was, indeed ash. On Sunday though, after it got dark, you were able to see the lava spitting out into the dark sky. We are just happy the wind didn't shift and bring the ash cloud over the community of King Cove, but we got to see quite a show."

Last Updated May 25, 2016