Alaska Climate Review and Forecast - Rick Thoman, Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy (ACCAP)
"Environmental observations through the eyes of a musher" Panel - Alaska regional mushers discuss the unusual weather that they have experienced on the trails throughout their lifetime.
ANTHC Healthy Homes - "Make your own air cleaner"
A training session focusing on discussions about unusual environmental events, fostering knowledge exchange among observers and experts.
A training to become confident on submitting observations and "train the trainer."
Fall Kotzebue Storm Panel- Kotzebue community members discuss the unusual weather that led to a historic storm and the impacts.
Observations from around Alaska - October, November, December 2024
Permafrost Discovery Gateway: Bringing you big geospatial information - Anna Liljedahl-Affiliate Scientist, Woodwell Climate Research Center, Permafrost Discovery Gateway Project Lead
Observations from around Alaska - July, August, September 2024
A training to discuss shorebirds and migration in Alaska.
A training to discuss berries, climate, and wellness.
Update on HPAI (Bird Flu) Andy Ramey - USGS
Observations from around Alaska - April, May, June 2024
Alaska Climate Review and Forecast - Rick Thoman, ACCAP
NOAA River Flood and Ice Satellite user group - William Straka, CIMSS
Observations from around Alaska - January, February, March 2024
A workshop to discuss changes in the environment and working together on observations.
My Map in the LEO Network is key part of using and interacting in the LEO Network. Learn and practice about the MyMap tool in the LEO Network.
Veterinarian Community Outreach & Public Health - Dr. Laurie Meythaler-Mullins, University of Alaska Fairbanks
LEO Kiosk Project Update - Mandy Salminen, Qawalangin Tribe
Observations from around Alaska - September, November, December 2023
Familiarize yourself with LEO network website
Have increased confidence in observation posts
Know what makes a Good and Great Observation
Share common observations/ trends
LEO Monthly Training are a monthly offering from ANTHC to better understand the LEO Network and ultimately better understand and observe our changing environment.
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