LEO Network

Dear Cook Inlet Environmental Professionals, 

We invite you to join us for a LEO Network Webinar, happening TODAY Thursday, June 28th 2018 from 2-3:30pm.

The Local Environmental Observer (LEO) Network is  a group of local observers and topic experts who share knowledge about unusual animal, environment, and weather events. With this network, individuals are able to speak up and share the changes that are happening around them, and connect to scientists and topic experts who can provide information about why or how certain changes are occurring. As someone sees an unusual environmental event, members post a picture and location to the network with a description of what they found and why it may be considered unusual. LEO editors receive the post, and contact a subject expert to provide more information on the event.

LEO can be a useful tool for communities developing environmental plans, or working on specific priorities within an established plan. 

This webinar will provide an introduction to LEO and an example of how the Network was used to inform a climate change adaptation plan in Port Heiden, Alaska. Attendees will be invited to share stories from their home communities and discuss ways to collect information about environmental change in their area. 

Explore the LEO Network at www.leonetwork.org

To Participate in the Webinar:

The webinar room will open at 1:45pm on June 28th. Enter the room by clicking the "Join Webinar" button at the top of this page. You will be prompted to enter your name and location, and will be provided with a teleconference phone number. If you experience any issues with your connection, please email Erica Lujan at enlujan@anthc.org


1:45pm - Conference Line Opens

2:00pm - Welcome, Agenda Review

2:10pm - Introduction to LEO 

2:40pm - Discussion            




Erica Lujan


LEO Network Coordinator

Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium




See Also

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