We invite you to join us for the next Alaska LEO Network webinar TODAY Tuesday September 25th, 2018 from 2:00-3:30pm. LEO webinars provide an exciting learning experience and connects local observers and organizations from across Alaska to discuss current and emerging environmental changes.
1:45pm - Conference Line Opens
2:00pm - Welcome, Agenda Review
2:10pm - LEO Observation Review
2:30pm - Presentation
Changing Clam Populations in Coastal Alaska
Ashley Rossin, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Description: This presentation covers what we know about clam populations throughout Alaska, and how those have changed in recent years. We also will cover how we study these changes in the lab, field, and involve citizen scientists to connect these shifts to answer where preferred habitat for clams is, and how that might shift in the future.
*All LEO webinars are recorded and archived on the LEO Website
Thank you LEO Network members, and Ashley Rossin, for joining us in the September webinar
The LEO Team at ANTHC