Interesting Marine Invertebrates
Observation: Lorena Williams of Yakutat, states, "Hi there can you tell us what these are? They were on face book with a note saying they were found on the tide line, yesterday, all over the beach." Mary Porter writes, "I am headed out to see if they are still there. Blessings "Da'xna'xdusaaee" Suuyuk" - Mary Porter, Yakutat Tlingit Tribe
University of Fairbanks Consult: The top photos look like one of the Sea Pen (Pennatulacea) or Sea Whips species (Leptogorgia), which are related to corals, the other possibility is a Peanut Worm species (Sipuncula) and the bottom pictures looks like a Sea Cucumber species (P. californicu). Pretty hard to tell from the good pictures which ones these are but they most likely are a borrowing species. Did they have any recent Grey Whale feeding by chance? From the lower picture it looks like I can see small ridges of cilia but can't quite tell - if there are, look for 5 rows (single or double rows) along the animal and if so it is probably a sea cucumber.Sorry I can't be more specific but I'm sure they look different under water before they were stressed out on the beach. Gary Frietag, MAP Agent, UAF SeaGrant