LEO Network

St. Paul, Alaska, United States

This is one in a string of dead whale sightings that have been designated as the 2015 Gulf of Alaska Large Whale Unusual Mortality Event (UME). From May to mid-August, 30 large whales were reported including 11 fin whales, 14 humpback whales, 1 gray whale and 4 other unidentified large cetaceans.

Dead fin whale washed up on St. Paul Island.
Fin Whale range map (Courtesy of NMFS Office of Protected Resources - March 2009)
Fin Whale surfacing (Courtesy of NOAA NMFS SWFSC PRD)
Island Sentinels Paul Melovidov (far right) and Aaron Lestenkof (second from left) assist NMFS stranding network affiliates Kate Savage (far left) and Dillon (second from right) to collect tissue samples.

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