Invasive elodea decade history in the Chena slough with mitigation and persistent infestation.
Observation from Colin Mckenzie
Elodea was first documented in Chena Slough in 2010. The infestation spread to cover most of the lower sections of the slough until the Fairbanks Soil and Water Conservation District obtained a permit to treat it with aquatic herbicide. The multi year treatment plan eradicated the vast majority of the elodea but some patches persisted. Control efforts resumed in the summer of 2023.
LEO Says
This is a series of observations submitted by Colin McKenzie in the Fairbanks area. There are two other posts on the topic of invasive elodea and timelines of mitigation approaches to eradicating the invasive species from the area. Alaska Fish and Game has provided information on history of Elodea, spread of Elodea, and how we can stop the spread in our lakes. Simple steps such as: inspect and clean equipment/boats, drain containers, dry your equipment/boat, don't transport plants/elodea from lake to other areas, and report any plants/animals that are unknown or thought to be invasive. See link for more information.