Blue sap was found on a spruce tree.
Observation by Constantine Johnson:
While checking a friend's trapline east of Koliganek along the Cranberry Creek we observed blue sap on a spruce tree.
Comments by LEO Network editors:
This is the first observation we have received in LEO Network about unusual coloration in spruce tree sap, or any tree sap. This observation has been forwarded to the U.S. Foresty Service for consultation. Please see attached article describing phenomon of blue sap or sap stain in trees in various hardwood and softwoods outside Alaska including: white pine and sugar maple. I the described case this is attributed to a type of fungus.
Comment by Gino Graziano:
Interesting, I really don't know and am interested in what Laurie thinks might cause this. It could be that the tree is accumulating something in its sap from the soil that is causing the color change.