"Swallows usually show up in the spring time or when winter months are over in Alaska."
Observation by Jaclyn Christensen:
My husband was waiting for his flight to arrive to depart Port Heiden and as we drove to the airport terminal we spotted the unique blue bird with triangle wings fluttering past us in the car. Swallows usually show up in the Spring time or when Winter months are over in Alaska. The swallows also signify the arrival of King fish in our rivers and bays of rural Alaska. It is very unusual that we saw one during the start of February at least 2 months ahead of schedule.I think they are most likely tree swallows.
LEO says:
Thank you Jaclyn for your observation. Tree swallows are known to range further north then the other swallow species in Alaska. We have a number of related posts in LEO Network, but none earlier then May. A very comprehensive map with observations on tree swallows is available in ebird. You may also want to post your observation there to add to their large database. See ebird link along with articles on Alaska swallows. In April we mainly see swallows in Southeast Alaska. In May swallows have been seen around Western Alaska and as far north as Nome. April is the earliest swallows have been observed on the EBird website in Alaska. Here are some examples of locations:
April: Sitka, Hoonah
May: Kodiak, Port Moller, Shemya Island, Kenai Lake, Nome
The following link is all the sightings in April and May in Alaska. https://media.ebird.org/catalog?taxonCode=treswa&view=list®ionCode=US-AK&beginMonth=3&endMonth=5