LEO Network
10 November 2020

'No ordinary snow event': Saskatoon digging out from blizzard

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada is digging out from a significant blizzard that hit on November 8, 2020, resulting in over 35 centimeters of snow and drifts up to four feet high. City crews are working to clear priority one and two roads, with residential streets to be plowed on a case-by-case basis. Recovery operations are expected to take several days, and city officials are urging people to stay off the roads unless travel is necessary. The storm has also caused disruptions to the civic election, with polls being postponed until Friday due to hazardous conditions. Emergency services have been busy responding to stranded motorists and other incidents, and residents are advised to check the venting on gas-fired appliances and ensure carbon monoxide detectors are working. More snow is expected to come later in the week.

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Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

Ice / Snow Change
Economic Impact
Extreme Precipitation
Rain on Snow