The stormy wind at 30 metres per second rose in Chita in the afternoon on Wednesday 13 May.
The rapid retreat of Barry Glacier, 28 miles northeast of Whittier, could release millions of tons of rock into Harriman Ford and generate a large tsunami in Prince William Sound, according to Alaska's top geologist.
The South American lizard, which can grow up to 4 feet long, poses a threat to protected native wildlife, including American alligators and gopher tortoises.
While many communities along the Kuskokwim River escaped major flooding, one small village is still seeing high water.
According to the Weather Service, the Chena River is at 25 feet around Chena Lakes and 21.4 feet at the Mile 40 Bridge near Two Rivers.
Fairbanks' May 10 temperature was two degrees below the daily record, while snow melt from an above-normal year is flooding Interior rivers.
The Baldwin Peninsula near Kotzebue has seen a massive increase in beavers over the last two decades, according to new research from the University of Alaska Fairbanks.
Ketchikan became the first city in Alaska to hit 80 degrees this year on Saturday, as three other cities in Southeast Alaska also set temperature records.
A sperm whale beached itself in the northwest Iceland region of Skaga, the Northwest Iceland Nature Agency reports.
Pathway repair and flood mitigation work at odds with Beaver Management Plan, as beaver dams cause localized flooding.
Wildlife officials reported the death of a pregnant Hawaiian monk seal who was found at a beach on Kauai.
Above average winter precipitation may have contributed to high winter survival rates among wood frogs, which emerged during warm spring temperatures.
There is concern in the reindeer industry for the prolonged winter cold in the far north – unless the heat comes soon, this year's calves risk dying.
Visitors to the Padre Island National Seashore in Texas are discovering blue dragons during their trips, and though it may not be the flying, fire-breathing creatures their name may suggest, it's still 'a rare find,' the park says.
Mother's Day will bring Arctic blasts, wintry conditions and records low temperatures for two-thirds of the US.
Animal discovered stranded on Tlell beach, marking first recorded sighting north of Vancouver Island
Hunters in Pond Inlet, Nunavut, say that iron ore dust from the Mary River Mine is discolouring the land around Milne Inlet, deterring animals and making it hard to get clean water when people are camping.
An estimated 11,000 people have been affected by heavy rain this year and 1,000 hectares of crops have been destroyed
Debris torrents and blockages, possibly triggered by a rainstorm high in the watershed, caused Mill Creek to overflow, flooding homes and streets.
Most Kuskokwim River communities have escaped heavy flooding so far, but not Kwethluk. Social media photos show water rising high and completely covering
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