The state's water worries mirror those in B.C. Record-breaking temperatures earlier this month and a below average snowpack have led to a faster snow melt in this province.
First mosquito sighting in Kotzebue.
Lightning is unusual in a city that, according to the National Weather Service, sees fewer than two thunderstorms a year. It was the first time the power company had seen a lightning-related power outage in 15 years.
Near Nome, reports of seal pups and walrus calves hauled out on beaches are piling up at an unprecedented rate.
Thunderstorms are rare in Anchorage due to its proximity to the coast and protection by the Chugach Mountains from moist air traveling up from Southeast. Thursdays storm produced lightening that struck a power line and caused an outage, and produced nickel-sized hail in Eagle River.
A pilot first spotted the whale last week. What caused the whale’s death isn’t yet known.
Conservationists are rejoicing this spring over Steelhead Trout numbers in the Carmel River. "The count is up," said Haley Ohms a project scientist with University of California Santa Cruz.
Unfamiliar insect found near Potters Marsh, identified as a red velvet mite (family Trombidiidae).
A growing die off of native Western Red Cedar trees is becoming visible right across East Vancouver Island now. Experts say its a symptom of climate change and as Skye Ryan reports, its changing the forests we've come to know across this region.
A second whale has been found dead floating in the middle of Turnagain Arm, just two weeks after a juvenile humpback whale was found dead on the Arm after stranding itself twice.
Napakiak doesn’t have a boat landing anymore. Storms over the past week ate huge chunks from the Kuskokwim riverbank close to the city school and fuel
This catch in a Tatitlek herring net places a school of shiner surfperch about 700 km north of their normal range.
The Cowichan River is lower than it was in August last year, after the long extreme heat and drought. There might not be enough water in the river for newly-hatched salmon to swim to the ocean.
A pair of grey whales that found themselves beached Friday in Boundary Bay have begun to make their way out to deeper water.
The worst-hit areas appear to be established neighborhoods with older spruce trees, especially in Turnagain and Spenard.
The appearance of walrus on the ice off Nome added some excitement to the onset of spring.
It’s the first reported sighting of the falcated duck on mainland Alaska, Fish and Game says.
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