An ice jam caused by warming spring temperatures near the village of Buckland has left most of the town underwater and cut off access to the airport road. Residents of the village of about 400 people are preparing to evacuate by boat if water levels continue to rise.
Barring significant precipitation this summer, Lake Tahoe's water level is on track to reach a critical low.
For example, Espoo's district of Nuuksio recorded 24.8 degrees celsius (77 F) on Tuesday. Many people across the country took advantage of the warm temperatures and headed outdoors with some opting to go swimming in lakes or pools.
Swallow populations are fluctuating as the environment changes. In 2016, the Alaska Songbird Institute began studying changes in swallow populations and formed the Alaska Swallow Monitoring Network. This is an opportunity for participation for community members to participate in a structured monitoring program.
Floods, caused by spring river break-up on the Liard and Mackenzie Rivers, have forced residents of the N.W.T. communities of Fort Simpson and Jean Marie River to evacuate. CBC's Eden Maury surveyed both communities from the air on May 10.
Firefighters put out brush fires in Hafnarfjörður and Reykjavík May 9th, while police responded to several other reports of open flames.Weather has been unseasonably dry in Iceland’s capital area in recent weeks and in other parts of the country.
Coyotes, first documented in Anchorage around 1900, are not often seen in Anchorage. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game estimates coyote population abundance using the Trapper Questionnaire reports, and consider the Kenai Peninsula, Copper River Valley and Mat-Su Valley to have the highest coyote population densities.
Wild pheasants and mallards have tested positive for avian influenza this summer, an unusual find according to the National Veterinary Institute.
"There's basically people all over the place," Fort Simpson, N.W.T., Mayor Sean Whelly said on Monday morning. A general evacuation order was issued for the community of about 1,200 at about 3 p.m. on Sunday afternoon.
CBC News hasn't been able to reach people in Jean Marie River on Saturday, but Paul Simon was able to find cell phone service on a drive and posted photos of the flood waters on social media.
A long-deceased adult gray whale washed ashore near Klipsan Beach last week.
Multiple buildings and homes, including the Point Lay clinic, were without water. The water main break was a result of the water main sinking down further into the permafrost.
A decomposing sleeper shark was found on the beach in Kasitsna Bay.
A flock of Speckle Belly geese re-visit Seldovia.
A tumor is present on the lower jaw of the sheefish (Stenodus leucichthys).
"It seemed like a normal day. It just showed up," says Torolv Røberg about the weather phenomenon. The dust devil was at least 100 meters high.
The 60 ft blue whale carcass drifted ashore near Walvis Bay, Namibia on Tuesday. Local authorities were alerted and are planning to move the body, which had several injuries.
From 10:45am until 11:50am a sudden flurry of snow came and went on an otherwise warm spring day.
State officials estimate that 16.8 million fish will have to be trucked from the four state-run hatcheries through the beginning of June, about 20% more than in a normal year. Hatchery managers were able to release the majority of their juveniles upriver before they deemed river conditions too dicey to proceed.
Because of the changeable weather an ice crust arose on the snow and reindeer could not get food on their own. Reindeer herders fed the main herd with compound feed. The dead reindeer, most likely, have strayed from the main herd.
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