Lake Hopatcong, normally buzzing with swimmers and water skiers, is filled with cyanobacteria in quantities never before recorded.
Nine short-tailed shearwaters (Ardenna tenuirostris) were seen floating in the Kuskokwim river, directly in front of Bethel. The birds were acting disoriented and farther up the Kuskokwim than normal.
Heavy rain and coastal flood warnings threatened boats near Kotzebue, caused flooding at the old shipyard in St. Michael, and brought high water to the Eastern Norton Sound as well as several rivers near Nome.
Alaska has experienced a series of seal mortalities in June that were concentrated in the northern part of the state. This dead seal was found on the bluff near a public park in Anchorage.
Major Mola Moment: First Confirmed Hoodwinker Sunfish Photographed in Monterey Bay!!
An unseasonable rain event brought high rainfall and led to high water, especially around noon on August 3rd.
"I discovered possibly 43 seabirds and may have missed more on August 3, 2019, just on the southwest side and did not go further on southeast side of our beach. Not sure, maybe they died of hunger."
"We were lucky to have the berm in place. The next day, the water levels went down and the erosion was noticeable."
Sea ice in the Chukchi Sea disappeared far earlier than normal this spring as a result of exceptionally warm ocean temperatures.
It's possible the trio’s canoe was upset by a calving, or shedding, piece of ice. Although all three were wearing life jackets, none was wearing a wetsuit to protect against the frigid water.
Every year since 2015, the Bering Sea has melted out earlier than in every year before 2015. If heat is killing animals, scientists have yet to pin down exactly how it is doing so.
Warm water temperatures may be causing stress and increase the risk of infections and other illness in fish.
Authorities in Alaska are investigating the deaths of three kayakers whose bodies were found in the water of a glacier.
"Within a week we saw thousands of shearwaters along the beaches, and witnessed hundreds dead. They would sit on the tideline unable to walk, foraging on dead fish that had washed ashore and trying to feed on the fish in the nets of the set net sites as well."
Several ground slides close E39 between Førde and Skei in Jølster. More than 150 people must be evacuated.
Smoke exposure can cause several symptoms, including sore eyes, tears, cough and runny nose. People who are active outdoors are the most at-risk, according to the health advisory issued Tuesday morning.
Ingar Sægrov was killed in a landslide during extreme weather and heavy rain in Jølster, Norway, in July 2019. He remains at the bottom of Jølstravatnet Lake.
Lazurnoye Lake’s disappearance has baffled local residents who normally flock to the lake for a summer swim.
Local beekeepers suspect pesticides used for controlling mosquitoes may be the cause.
A swimming spot in northern Finland had unlikely visitors seeking solace from soaring temperatures.
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