A record number of sea cucumbers have been caught around Iceland during this fishing season, RÚV reports. This year’s season has kicked off with a bang, with around 2,000 tons of sea cucumbers being harvested from the ocean floor around the country. Last season 5,400 tons were caught during the whole season, which was double […]
If high temperatures melt snow and that leads to a bear’s den getting flooded, that’s another reason the bear might head outside. It’ll likely try to find another den, Farley said.
The capital area, along with most of Iceland, has experienced constant below-freezing temperatures for a couple of weeks now.
Two record cold nights have damaged grape buds in Essex County with Merlot, Syrah and Sauvignon Blanc particularly at risk.
The weather station in Nikkaluokta recorded a frigid -39.5C, setting the record for the lowest temperature of the winter.
The scientific literature indicates that, in general, crustacean wash ashore due to hypoxia (low oxygen) or to phenomena such as excess sediment in suspension and changes in water temperature.
MARQUETTE — In light of the bitterly cold air and wind chills falling far below zero, all Michigan state offices are closed today, and the U.S. Postal Service
Last week, in the wee hours of the morning, a curious wolverine was caught on camera wandering the hallway to a dormitory at Diavik Diamond Mine.
When the green water is here, its dangerous to travel straight across the Lagoon to White Mountain. In the past we took the land route, cross on Kitchavik river and on up over land to White Mountain.
Weather had been pouring rain and 45-degree temps for several days leading up to the sighting.
Dark water formed an eddy around Steve Eisenhauer's boots as they sank into the muck at the base of a 90-foot black gum tree so old, its roots were deep in this ground when the Pilgrims landed.
Hungry and looking for food, where it was last fall. Very warm 40 degrees and rain. I'm sure it disturbed his hibernation.
After a record-low last winter, the birds are making a comeback. Redpolls, seen in two varieties in Alaska — the common and the hoary — have attracted scientists’ attention because the birds survive super-cold temperatures. Physiologist Laurence Irving ranked redpolls’ feathers just behind pine grosbeaks for “apparent usefulness for insulation.”Redpolls have a secret weapon other small birds, including chickadees, don’t possess: food pouches on each side of their necks.
Authorities warned that drivers should use caution in the area due to the potential for additional rockslides.
Australia’s heat waves, now an annual ordeal, have been expanding into new territory — like Tasmania, where more than 50 wildfires were burning as of Friday.
The third such bite in two years prompted a police warning in the Aleutian Islands town.
A woman who put bird seed out in her yard in St. Chrysostome, in western P.E.I., was thrilled she ended up attracting a rare bird.
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