As the river changes and erosion happens along the banks, new channels are being formed around the community.
Noatak has lost 19' of river bank since May 19th. Now the road to the community gravel source is failing.
"This year we had a lot more rain than other years, we used to be able to get on our ATVs and travel 10-12 miles upriver. I haven't seen or heard of anyone using ATVs to travel upriver this year. I think the breakthrough channel has a lot to do with us not being able to travel on ATVs. I see a lot of my favorite ATV fishing spots washed away from the highwater."
Photos show some of the erosion caused by surge of high water in late June on the Noatak River. As of June 29th, 24 feet of bank have been lost adjacent to the Noatak Airport, and 28 feet adjacent to the landfill.
High water in the Noatak River causes erosion near the old dump site.
Extremely high water on the Noatak