Ship Creek in Anchorage will be closed to sport fishing for two weeks to support salmon stock sustainability at a local hatchery.
Canada and Alaska have agreed to a seven-year fishing moratorium on Yukon River chinook salmon to aid the species' recovery, following years of declining numbers.
A comprehensive analysis of over 200 studies reveals that fish hatchery programs have predominantly negative impacts on wild salmon populations, reducing genetic diversity and overall health.
On the Yukon River, subsistence salmon fishing is being closed to protect king salmon as they migrate upriver.
“The midpoint of the Anchor River king salmon run was extremely late. These fish are really having some odd, unprecedented run timing and behavior."
Fishing businesses in Mat-Su warned that the rules could hurt the state's tourism economy.
Since Les Anderson landed a 97-pound Kenai king in 1985, the prized fish has been harder to find and smaller. Is there something we all can do to help reverse the trend?