Location: Alaska
Description: This project includes observations about salmon mortality events.
Background: Observations from across Alaska suggest that climate change is having a variety of negative impacts on salmon health and survival, resulting in die-offs from low water, lack of water and poor water quality. In southeast, low water conditions has resulted in die-offs related to stream oxygen levels. In Southcentral, low snow pack has resulted in stream drying events that have in some cases have caused seasonal elimination of spawning habitat. In the northwest, record salmon returns have been confounded by low water and warm water conditions, which are thought to have contributed to die-offs in the Kobuk River. This project tracks these types of events in the hopes of understand causes and trends and to develop a discussion about ways to protect stream habitat and encourage salmon health and survival.
Funding: Open invitation
Partners: Pending
Observing Guidance: Observers are asked to use the LEO Network model to post detailed observations about die-off events. Observations about water quality are also encourage and measurements where possible including water temperature.
Source Data: LEO Observations. Other sources pending.
Outputs: Inclusion on LEO Network Maps, Event Timeline (pending), consultations by project leads.
Project Updates: Pending