Thank you all for joining us for the January LEO Network Webinar. All presentation materials are available for download at the bottom of this page.
1:45pm - Conference Line Opens
2:00pm - Welcome, Agenda Review
2:05pm - LEO Observation Review and Discussion
2:30pm - Presentation
The Pan-Arctic Impacts of Thinning Sea Ice
Presenter: Zachary Labe, Postdoctoral Researcher at Colorado State University
The Arctic is rapidly changing. However, long-term observations of trends in Arctic sea-ice thickness are still quite limited. In this presentation, Zachary will discuss the different methods (satellite instruments and climate model simulations) of observing sea-ice thickness in order to understand changes in the recent Arctic amplification era. He will also highlight the far-reaching environmental and societal impacts from a thinning Arctic sea-ice cover.
Thank you LEO Network members for joining us in the January webinar.
The LEO Team at ANTHC