Prickly rose plant is blooming when others have gone to hips.
Bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) disappeared from usual nesting spot.
Small, approachable, deer found with possible broken jaw, discolored saliva, and injury on hindquarter.
Thawing and eroding is destroying river bank, impacting access, threatening infrastructure, and causing safety concerns.
Heavy spring precipitation leads to strong river flow, sweeping away cabin and fish rack.
Unusual Stellar sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) sighting in Utqiaġvik.
Wood frog sighted on trail.
Fewer wasp and mosquito interactions in Anchorage in 2018 than typical.
Unidentified beetle pupa found near camp on a river bank.
The spruce along the highway between mile 157 and 162 show signs of stress, the tips of the branches are orangish and the deep green of the trees are fading.
Spruce rust (Chrysomyxa ledicola) fungal spores found along the banks on the Kuskokwim River