Moscow, Russia
High North News /
"We need to keep all political options open, including a withdrawal from the Arctic Council," says Russia's Arctic Ambassador, Nikolay Korchunov.
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on High North News
Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada

Nicholas Johansen /
Castanet /
February 1, 2024
The first known cases of Chronic Wasting Disease in British Columbia have been discovered in two deer in the Kootenays. Officials have been keeping an eye on the southeastern area of B.C. for some time, as nearby outbreaks have occurred in Alberta, Montana and Idaho. The two recent positive samples came from an area south of Cranbrook.
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on Castanet
Wrangel Island Nature Reserve, Russia
Prochukotku.ru /
The female and cub left the family den a month earlier than usual, which is extremely atypical for these animals. Experts consider this case to be unique - they have not yet encountered such behavior of polar predators.
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on Prochukotku.ru
Fox, Alaska, United States

Richard L Thoman Jr and Kimberlee Beckmen /
LEO Network /
February 13, 2024
This winter large numbers of redpolls have been observed at bird feeders, from Fairbanks to Anchorage. ADFG reports that mass mortality events of redpolls have also been observed. ADFG advises homeowners not to handle dead or sick birds, and to prevent pets from coming in contact with them. Bird illness may be caused by a bacteria that could also affect people and pets.
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Kougarok, River

Ned Rozell /
Anchorage Daily News /
February 10, 2024
The oranging of northern rivers seems to be related to recent permafrost thaw that has allowed streams to release previously captive iron, trace metals and acid.
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on Anchorage Daily News
Chignik, Alaska, United States
Anchorage Daily News /
The avalanche came after two days of heavy snow followed by two days of heavy rain. The community had to wait several days before linemen could get to Chignik to repair the damage to its power system.
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on Anchorage Daily News
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada
NNSL Media /
January 29, 2024
Yellowknife encountered unusual weather with freezing rain and temperatures around -1°C, despite average late January temperatures being around -20°C.
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on NNSL Media
Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden

Sveriges Radio /
Sveriges Radio /
Underground water reservoirs in the south of Sweden are full to brimming point, according to the latest report from the Geological Survey of Sweden. Lots of rain and snow over the winter are the reason, a welcome change after drought conditions last summer.
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on Sveriges Radio
Iqaluit, Nunavut, Canada
Environment Canada issues severe weather warning, winds up to 90km per hour. Residents are advised to stay off the roads and take shelter because of reduced visibility and unsafe road conditions.
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on CBC
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