Khatanga, Krasnoyarskiy, Russia

Atle Staalesen /
The Independent Barents Observer /
August 21, 2020
Climate change is triggering behavior change among animals across the Arctic. In Northern Siberia wild reindeer this summer started migrating almost a month earlier than normal.
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on The Independent Barents Observer
Pevek, Chukotskiy Avtonomnyy Okrug, Russia
Siberia Times /
August 24, 2020
It is still not clear if the family was brought so close to people by hunger as most locals believe or, as one account suggests, out of fear of being followed by an aggressive large male.
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on Siberia Times
Longyearbyen, Svalbard, Svalbard and Jan Mayen
BBC News /
August 28, 2020
The man, identified as 38-year-old Dutch citizen was attacked in his tent before dawn and died shortly afterwards of his injuries. Svalbard officials say there were seven people on the site at the time and they are being looked after by health services.
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on BBC News
Gruve 7, Advendtdalen, Svalbard

Anja Ariel Tørnes Brekke, Aslaug Aarsæther /
August 31, 2020
The glacier over Mine 7 in Adventdalen on Svalbard is thawing in the summer heat. This has resulted in a severe flood with thousands of liters of water.
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on NRK

Alexander Elliott /
August 21, 2020
A jökulhlaup flood struck West Iceland’s Hvítá river in the early hours of Tuesday morning when water from a lagoon by the Langjökull glacier suddenly broke a new path and flowed in a different direction. Thick glacial mud now coats the river banks, and much of Borgarfjörður fjord.
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on RÚV
Ester, Alaska, United States

Holly Dean and Matt Carlson /
LEO Network /
July 10, 2020
Browsing moose may have damaged the primary flowering shoot of the fireweed, causing it to form multiple blooming stalks.
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Juneau, Alaska, United States

Vivian Mork Yéilk’ /
Juneau Empire /
July 29, 2020
This summer, fireweed has been telling us to prepare for winter. It's been telling us the season is off kilter, too. Here in Juneau we've had fireweed plants that are blooming halfway up the stalk growing next to fireweed with barely any buds.
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on Juneau Empire
Unalaska, Alaska, United States
Alaska Public Media /
August 27, 2020
Two dead whales have washed up on Unalaska's shores in the past week: an adult fin whale — which is the second largest mammal in the world — and a juvenile humpback.
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on Alaska Public Media
Juneau, Alaska, United States

Brian Mazurek /
Juneau Empire /
August 27, 2020
It is thought to be either an aborted fetus or a very young calf. The calf is one of six belugas that have been found dead this year, five in the last month.
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on Juneau Empire
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