
Yereth Rosen, Arctic Now /
Arctic Now /
November 17, 2017
Vitamin D deficiencies have long been a concern in high latitudes because sunlight — which stimulates its production in the body — is scarce in winter months.
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on Arctic Now
Nome, Alaska, United States

Dianna Haesker /
The Nome Nugget /
November 17, 2017
Walruses were found washed up on the beaches from Cape Espenberg to Shishmaref and further west. Samples taken from the intestines of four walrus all had moderate to high levels of saxitoxin.
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on The Nome Nugget
Tuktoyaktuk, Northwest Territories, Canada

Randi Beers /
CBC News /
November 20, 2017
An advocacy group has put a price tag on the heaving roads and leaning buildings ubiquitous to the Northwest Territories.
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on CBC News
Kotzebue, Alaska, United States

Chris Dankmeyer /
LEO Network /
November 12, 2017
A strong storm impacting NW Alaska with high winds and sea level rise (over 6 ft) caused localized flooding in Kotzebue.
Read post on the LEO Network
Deering, Alaska, United States

Shady Grove Oliver, The Arctic Sounder /
Alaska Dispatch News /
November 15, 2017
"Yesterday we came over to do an assessment of the high-water flood storm," said Northwest Arctic Borough Deputy Director of Public Services Dickie Moto, who grew up in Deering. "They lost a lot of ground on the front and on the back side of town because of the high water and rough seas.
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on Alaska Dispatch News
Lohtaja, Central Ostrobothnia, Finland
Yle Uutiset /
November 16, 2017
Northern Finland was illuminated by a blazing fireball on Thursday night, which experts said was either a meteor or space trash.
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on Yle Uutiset