Haines, Alaska, United States

James Brooks /
Anchorage Daily News /
December 2, 2020
Nearly 12 inches of rain fell on the town of Pelican in 48 hours, and all-time records were set in Juneau, Skagway, Haines, Petersburg and Ketchikan. The City of Haines is sending alerts about the immediate danger of landslides.
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on Anchorage Daily News
Gjerdrum, Viken, Norway

Peter Stubley /
The Independent /
December 31, 2020
The tide of mud and clay destroyed as many as 14 houses in Ask in the municipality of Gjerdrum, some 30km north of Oslo. Hundreds were evacuated and police said 21 people living in the affected area were still unaccounted for. The landslide area is known for its "quick clay", a form of clay that can behave more like a liquid than a solid when disturbed. It is thought heavy rain in recent days may have caused the soil to shift.
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on The Independent
Seyðisfjörður, East, Iceland
Iceland Review /
December 18, 2020
After a week of extreme rainfall, devastating landslides have hit the town of Seyðisfjörður in east Iceland. Another large mudslide hit several buildings in town around three pm, sweeping at least one building away.
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on Iceland Review
Oslo, Oslo, Norway

Louise Scharff Thommessen, Tiril Mettesdatter Solvang, Hallvard Nordum /
December 28, 2020
Experts fear the future could be like the record year 2020: Shorter and warmer winters, wetter summers.
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on NRK
Provincetown, Massachusetts, United States
Cape Cod Times /
January 2, 2021
Researchers document unusual find: 31 torpedo rays wash up on Provincetown beach just after Christmas.
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on Cape Cod Times
Salmon, Idaho, United States
ktvb.com /
December 31, 2020
The cause of death is almost certainly acute Aspergillosis, a respiratory tract infection caused by a fungus commonly found in soil, dead leaves, moldy grain, compost piles, or in other decaying vegetation. Wildlife managers say the die-off seems to have stopped, likely due to the fungus source no longer being available.
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on ktvb.com
Withernsea, England, United Kingdom
BBC News /
December 24, 2020
Up to 10 sperm whales have been stranded between Withernsea and Tunstall on the coast. Members of the coastguard and British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDMLR) are on the beach, between Tunstall and Withernsea, near Hull.
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on BBC News
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