Ice cover over Finlands sea areas is very low. Experts warn that the ice is now very thin over sea, and with spring slowly arriving, the situation is not likely to improve.
For the second time in three years, the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race will move its official start from Willow to Fairbanks due to poor trail conditions that race officials determined unsafe.
The Hennepin County Sheriff's Office reported that two vehicles had plunged into Lake Minnetonka in Minnesota within hours of each other.
The whale stranding was the third largest in New Zealand history, since the country began keeping data in the 1800s.
A year after tens of thousands of common murres, an abundant North Pacific seabird, starved and washed ashore on beaches from California to Alaska, researchers have pinned the cause to unusually warm ocean temperatures that affected the tiny fish they eat.
Fish has bend in spine.
Lesions on this Dolly Varden or Arctic char are most likely furuncles caused by a common bacterial pathogen called Aeromonas salmonicida.
"I learned from a community member that they haven't seen these type of birds here within town, they usually see them on the islands that surround our cove. With the warming temps. people have noticed more and more different types of birds showing up in our community."
With up to 70 cm of snow already on the ground, the Fraser Valley is bracing for another dump of snow and heavy rain as early as Wednesday.
Meteorologist Niko Tollman of the Finnish Meteorology Institute confirms that counting up the number of stormy days this past month made January one of the windiest first months of the year over sea areas since 1994.
Dusting of ash reported overnight.
In Nain, a coastal village in Newfoundland and Labrador, the approximately 1,400 residents rely on sea ice for transportation and traditional activities.
The size of a large caribou herd in Alaska's Arctic region has dropped by more 50 percent over the last three years, and researchers who have tentatively ruled out hunting and predation as significant factors for the decline are trying to determine why.
No sea ice; hunters say it should not be like this today.
Herschel Island has seen a lot of people come and go. The Inuvialuit have used the place, known as Qikiqtaruk in Inuvialuktun, for at least 1,000 years.
Darren Nasogaluak has an unusual problem.As the mayor of Tuktoyaktuk, a small Inuvialuit hamlet on the coast of the Beaufort Sea, he has had to watch bits of his community wash away over the years.
Unique paleontological sites are facing destruction from gangs seeking to sell prehistoric remains. The hunters are especially active in late summer, when the permafrost retreats leaving mammoth remains more visible.
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