A third case of Chronic Wasting Disease has been confirmed in a deer near Cranbrook, highlighting growing concerns about the spread of this fatal disease in the region.
The first known cases of Chronic Wasting Disease in British Columbia have been discovered in two deer in the Kootenays. Officials have been keeping an eye on the southeastern area of B.C. for some time, as nearby outbreaks have occurred in Alberta, Montana and Idaho. The two recent positive samples came from an area south of Cranbrook.
A new strain of avian flu that's been plaguing eastern and central Canada has shown up in B.C., and a chicken farmer says it may have wiped out dozens in her flock. The farmer believes bird feeders, intended for wild birds in the area, spread the virus to her domestic chickens.
These prolonged above-normal temperatures required the City of Cranbrook to increase water restrictions to levels not generally experienced by the community. Additionally, during this time (personal experience), the water was discoloured and had an odor, forcing bottled water to ensure safe drinking.
Highway 22 in southern Alberta was blanketed in what looked like snow but was probably hail, making roads slick and slow.
At 3pm on July 5-2018, Gord Littlejohns found and photographed a Curve-billed Thrasher in a dead tree along the shoreline near the boat lau...
A female northern cardinal has made Cranbrook her home, and is drawing birders from all over BC
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