People in southern Labrador and along Newfoundland's Northern Peninsula are being cautioned to be on the lookout for the bears, who have already begun to move north.
Above normal than average seal strandings in the Aleutians.
Morris Animal Foundation-funded researchers uncovered several key factors contributing to a die-off of South American fur seal pups, including mites, pneumonia and sea surface temperature. The findings, published in the Journal of Wildlife Diseases, help scientists better understand the link between environmental factors and health.
One of the most intense sounds emitted by animals on Earth is the echolocation click of the sperm whale. When Yukusam the 13-14 m lone male sperm whale swam through the Salish Sea last month, he was recorded on a suite of hydrophones including the Orcasound Lab live hydrophone in Haro Strait and simultaneously the…
Environmental science and conservation news
There are plenty of seals in Unalaska, but ringed seals -- who make their homes on the ice -- are rare.
The likely culprit is a toxic algal bloom, fueled by warmer ocean temperatures.
Douglas Indian Association catalogs marine debris at the bottom of Gastineau Channel | Though it sounds like the subtitle to a Pirates of the Caribbean movie, ghost fishing is a real phenomenon. It's going on right now in Gastineau Channel.
Sea otter population growth not seen in recent history and shellfish harvest have been dropping.
Thinning sea ice puts walruses nearly out of reach. The federal government may list walruses as an endangered species. And ivory bans elsewhere are making it hard for walrus-tusk carvers to sell their art.
Pacific Walrus haulout at Cape Greig.
"It was pretty crazy how much water just kind of showed up," said Michelle St. Martin, whose field season was cut short by melting sea ice.
Technology has changed, communities have moved, people have grown older, and the beluga whales the Kanigmiut have relied on for generations have all but disappeared.
After attacks belugas scattered northward, away from a traditional calving area. Scattering could impact the survival rate of young belugas.
But the age-old Inugguit lifestyle is changing fast as the climate warms, disrupting long-held patterns and possibilities and forcing economic challenges as a traditional hunting culture weighs new industries such as fishing and even tourism.
Forty-one whales have died in the past 15 months along the Atlantic coast from North Carolina to Maine. Ten of the whales were killed by collisions with ships.On average, eight humpback whales are stranded each year and fewer than two are hit by ships.
Multiple groups of transient killer whales were spotted in the waters off Vashon Island Friday, according to the Vashon Hydrophone Project’s Ann Stateler (“Orca Annie”).
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