Over the past few months, several headless seals have washed ashore along Chilkat Valley, prompting local marine expert Tim Ackerman to suggest that killer whale predation may be involved, although a bullet-hole found on one seal hints at potential human involvement.
A sea otter was seen climbing onto surfboards and following surfers near Sooke, British Columbia, prompting safety warnings from Fisheries and Oceans Canada regarding interactions with marine mammals.
BC Ferries has cancelled all sailings between Duke Point and Tsawwassen on December 25th due to severe weather forecasts predicting high winds and heavy rain.
Bird flu has been detected in two ringed seals near Resolute Bay, Nunavut, following a previous case in a seabird, marking an unusual occurrence of the virus in marine mammals.
Scientists have documented an unusual mass death of walruses at a Chukotka rookery, with over 100 carcasses. In October, the rookery on Cape Serdtse-Kamen was occupied by walruses of the American group from Cape Point Lay, but their fatigue after a long passage through open water is thought to have caused the high mortality. This year, the number of walruses at the rookery was slightly more than 10 thousand individuals. In other years, scientists counted up to 100 thousand animals.
A polar bear wandered into the village of Uelen in Chukotka, Russia, causing alarm among residents who quickly took shelter. Bear patrol workers were able to safely drive the bear away without incident. Local residents note that polar bears have visited more often this year than last year. Taking this case into account, patrol volunteers have chased away the polar predators 6 times.
A family of killer whales was spotted near downtown Vancouver in a rare sighting likely linked to hunting for seals.
A headless harbor seal was discovered at Letnikof Cove, raising questions as scientists from NOAA investigate the cause of death and post-mortem scavenging.
A 47-foot fin whale washed ashore near Anchorage's Westchester Lagoon. Biologists believe it is a young female and are investigating the cause of its beaching.
The Orca Conservancy said the sightings made history. Some whale watchers hope it will again raise awareness of the need to protect them.
Researchers in Washington reported observing orcas in Puget Sound balancing salmon on their heads, a behavior not seen in decades.
A new plant species is establishing itself in the area and impacting native beach greens.
No obvious cause of death for this adult and juvenile otter.
Orcas are starting to show new feeding behaviors around large trawler nets. They’re trying to steal fish caught in nets that are typically being hauled back. Scientists aren’t sure why orcas are doing this, but it’s dangerous for them because it increases their chances of getting caught in the net and dying.The problem is so bad that some fishermen have decided to skip fishing for black cod this year.
RÚV received a video this week that shows a whale just off the beach at Reynisfjara; the second time in about a week. Guðjón Már Sigurðsson, marine biologist and cetacean expert at the Icelandic Marine Research Institute, says the whale swims shallow in a search for food.
A worker with a logistics company that operates the North Warning System in Nunavut has died after being attacked by two polar bears on Thursday.
“Last year we got several reports from tourists and scientists that they saw around six walruses dead here on the west side of Svalbard. Unfortunately, we couldn’t sample them as the dead walruses drifted away by the time we got to the place. But it’s not normal to get so many reported dead walruses in such a small area," said Christian Lydersen, senior scientist at the Norwegian Polar Institute. Now samples (collected by a Station Manager in July 2023) have tested positive for highly pathogenic avian influenza.
A polar bear was shot in Ittoqqortoormiit after being spotted wandering the streets, marking the second such incident in the town within a week.
An extremely rare Spade-toothed Beaked Whale Mesoplodon traversii washed ashore in Otago, providing the first chance to dissect and study such a specimen, with DNA analysis underway to confirm its species.
At least 65 long-finned pilot whales have died after being stranded on an island off the north coast of Scotland, a rescue charity said on Thursday, in one of the largest mass strandings in Britain in recent times.
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