An unusually large Noctiluca bloom in Kasaan Bay. Noctiluca scintillans is a non-toxic algae bloom, generally considered harmless to humans.
The parasite Kudoa is causing trouble for the fishing industry in the southern hemisphere. By chance, researchers found the scary parasite in coastal cod from the Helgeland coast.
Coral reefs worldwide are experiencing a severe bleaching event, with satellite data indicating extreme heat stress across all oceans, threatening near-complete mortality for many corals.
A gray whale, presumed extinct in the Atlantic for over 200 years, was spotted by the New England Aquarium team south of Nantucket, suggesting climate change effects.
Boaters in Skolebukta outside Larvik opened their eyes when they were visited by the famous beluga whale. The marine biologist fears the whale's journey could soon be over for good.
"My son found this helmet floating here in Prince William Sound."
A NOAA Ocean Exploration-led team has discovered what appears to be evidence of a large gas seep at a depth of nearly 1.4 miles (2,300 meters) along the Aleutian Trench. The discovery was found in data collected during the Seascape Alaska 1: Aleutians Deepwater Mapping expedition.
However, numerous fishermen say the assessment of a decline in the stock doesn't match what they're seeing on the water, where haddock appear to them to be plentiful.
The invasive Pacific oyster is spreading rapidly in Oslofjord, causing injuries to bathers and threatening local ecosystems, with Oslo municipality now offering a reward for their removal.
When the fisherman Lars-Ivar Dale pulled up his net, he suddenly saw a species of fish he had never seen before. Fish scientist is now asking for help.
Researchers at UiT The Arctic University of Norway have found a new volcano at Bjørnøya in the Barents Sea. "Seeing an underwater mud eruption in real time reminds me how 'alive' our planet is," says the expedition leader.
Higher-than-average rainfall in recent days has led to rising water levels along the St. Lawrence River.
Experts say Thursday's flight wasn't supposed to have gone off without a hitch, and still offers SpaceX valuable data. A space industry analyst explains why it was so significant.
"In our country Afghanistan I have observed that the level of water is decreasing day by day."
It’s only the second time in history that the ocean salmon fishery has been closed in California, and the decision reflects a major decline in fish populations after the state’s driest three-year period on record.
Testing has revealed black algae washing on Waiheke shores is toxic. “Currently the algal bloom on some Waiheke beaches could lead to skin or eye irritation if you are in contact with the water,” said Dr David Sinclair, Te Whatu Ora’s Northern Region medical officer of health.
On Sunday night, a plump ringed seal pup was spotted on the ice in front of Breaker’s Bar on Nome’s Front Street. UAF Alaska Sea Grant agent Gay Sheffield was called and moved the pup to a more secluded beach. The ice had likely gone out too fast and the mother finished up the normal weaning process on the ice chunks in front of Nome.
No one in Togiak had ever seen a fish like this before. In the photo it looks like a cross between a tad pole and a piranha! With help from ADF&G it has been identified as the smooth lumpsucker fish, found at depths of up to 1000 meters.
This container was found on the beach near Nelson Lagoon, Alaska. No letters or numbers, symbols or any other noticeable identifications. It turns out it is a special type of long term bait container used for crab fisheries.
It went through thin ice near the Tasmania Islands, in Franklin Strait, while the group was retracing its route back to Cambridge Bay,
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