More than 50 birds and a seal were found along the shoreline.
"The spruce bark beetle epidemic currently ravaging Southcentral AK's spruce trees is well-known, but I haven't heard mention of other pests occurring in conjunction."
Several ground slides close E39 between Førde and Skei in Jølster. More than 150 people must be evacuated.
During the summer of 2019, warm water temperatures lowered the amount of dissolved oxygen in rivers and caused salmon across the state, including Mountain Village, to die before they were able to spawn.
As record high temperatures swept Alaska, many people said that the heat was killing them. For Kuskokwim salmon, it was actually true.
Subsistence families along the Kuskokwim River are cutting open fish to find white balls or white streaks deforming the meat.
"My family and I have been RV camping across Alaska for the last several years. This year, the mass amounts of dead spruce trees have been more apparent than any year prior."
Little to no apparent management posed possible ecological and environmental health concerns.
On Wednesday, a new precipitation record was measured in Oslo with 22 millimeters in 10 minutes. "We had expected rain showers, but not that it would be so heavy," says state meteorologist.
One of the worst droughts in the nation is in Southeast Alaska. That’s according to federal meteorologists. Ground zero is Wrangell, a city that’s struggled for years to keep up with summer water demand. Wrangell’s water supply comes from two reservoirs. Levels are healthy right now, even overflowing. But the flume that feeds water into them is already dry, thanks to warm dry weather and 50% less snow pack then last year.
AKIAK, Alaska (AP) — An Alaska community with a rapidly eroding riverbank is seeking funding to relocate homes, officials said. Money is available, but Akiak officials will have to go...
Napakiak doesn’t have a boat landing anymore. Storms over the past week ate huge chunks from the Kuskokwim riverbank close to the city school and fuel
Aerial shots of what appeared to be remnants of an oil spill in the Essequibo River has turned out to be huge beds of sargassum seaweed which is now a
Wildlife officials say populations of the silvery Pacific sardine have plummeted over the past decade.
Both sides of Cook Inlet are eroding near Tyonek. The erosion is reaching old and new growth trees, and causing more debris to fall in to the Inlet, which easily get caught in set nets.
Frigid north winds blow down from the Arctic Ocean, freeze saltwater and push sea ice south. The ice normally prevents waves from forming and locks onto beaches, walling off villages. But not this year.
The death toll from a storm that crashed into southeast Africa last month has risen above 1,000, with more than 4,000 cases of cholera reported among survivors in Mozambique, the hardest-hit country.
Warm air temperatures have melted the snow, leaving the soil without the insulation that snowcover usually provides.
One of the main winter highways in the Northwest Territories turned into a swamp this week following unseasonably high temperatures.
Avalanche monitors say danger remains high in Turnagain Pass, Girdwood and Portage.
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