Search our collection of background (non-event) articles from news media, science journals and other sources.
Huerfano County says it's preparing for the worst when it comes to this year's flood season and it wants residents to be prepared.
The golden plover and other species are moving their arrival time up by an average of half a day per year, and have been doing so for the last 20 years.
Warmer seas have led the fishery to move 300 kilometers further northeast - towards the North Pole. At the same time, cruising traffic in the outlying sea areas is increasing.
Last year's drought summer resulted in halved grass crops in Eastern Norway compared to the previous year, according to recent figures from Statistics Norway. - The consequences of the drought continue to affect the daily lives of many farmers, says Lars Petter Bartnes, leader of the Norwegian Farmers' Union.
The number of Arctic terns spending summers by the Mendenhall Glacier Visitor Center seems to be dwindling.
Insects that eat leaves and needles are causing increasing damage in Mongolian forests. The Siberian silk moth and the gypsy moth are the most destructive.
The 2015 to 2016 El Niño event brought weather conditions that triggered regional disease outbreaks throughout the world.
Fish provide a vital source of protein for over half the world's population, with over 56 million people employed by or subsisting on fisheries. But climate change is beginning to disrupt the complex, interconnected systems that underpin this major source of food.
Fish populations are declining as oceans warm, putting a key source of food and income at risk for millions of people, according to new research.
While most of Canada has been experiencing a colder winter, Inuvik and Tuktoyaktuk have had their warmest February since 2006.
The survey started in 1971 as a review of commercially important fish like cod and halibut, but has grown into an annual scientific assessment of all sea life hauled up from the deep.
“Nobody knows how old it is. We do know that it’s disappearing.”
As Australia faces historic drought conditions, the impacts of climate change are increasingly difficult to ignore.
The winter commercial crabbing season in the Norton Sound will begin February 25 with a quota less than half of its 2018 figure and a third of the 2017 quota.
Chalky meat is not dangerous to humans but is not desirable and thus costs the fishermen at the dock.
After years of hearing concerns from fishermen about the prevalence of “chalky” halibut, the International Pacific Halibut Commission is planning an investigation.
A new study has documented unexpected consequences following the decline of great white sharks from an area off South Africa. The study found that the disappearance of great whites has led to the emergence of sevengill sharks, a top predator from a different habitat. A living fossil, sevengill sharks closely resemble relatives from the Jurassic period, unique for having seven gills instead of the typical five in most other sharks.
Over 90 species of birds have been counted in this year’s winter bird census—which is the most diverse range ever recorded. Kristinn Haukur Skarphéðinsson, animal ecologist with the Natural History Institute of Iceland, says, however, that numbers of some common winter species are shrinking fast, due to climate change.
Biological samples to be tested for tuberculosis and botulism have been sent to California and Washington since the Nov. 30 quake damaged the Anchorage facility.
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