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Common garter snakes are no longer rare in southwestern Newfoundland, and researchers are conducting genetic work to determine their origin.
Around the world, rising temperatures pose a threat to the species.
Earth’s natural cycles can’t account for the recent warming seen over the past 100 years, new research suggests.
The glowing algae is suffocating sea life.
The Ranavirus virus has been found in a turtle in Hamilton's Cootes Paradise wetland. It generally leads to organ failure and death within four weeks.
The number of people calling the Swedish Poisons Information Centre about snake bites rose sharply in 2018 and is expected to continue its upward slide ...
The mysterious die-off of freshwater turtles throughout the massive St. Johns River watershed continues despite an ongoing year-long investigation by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and its partners to determine the cause and prevent damage to the ecosystem with the loss of the species. The commission and its conservation partners currently are asking the public for help by providing information about any sick, dead or dying turtles they find in Northeast Florida.
Last year's drought summer resulted in halved grass crops in Eastern Norway compared to the previous year, according to recent figures from Statistics Norway. - The consequences of the drought continue to affect the daily lives of many farmers, says Lars Petter Bartnes, leader of the Norwegian Farmers' Union.
A 2008 report by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency said there were at least 486 invasive alien plant species alone in Canada.
Climate change is ravaging the natural laboratory that inspired Darwin. The creatures here are on the brink of crisis.
Scientists say the threat from sargassum is as serious as rising sea levels and hurricanes.
A persistent algae bloom in the Gulf of Mexico has become a huge threat to sea turtles, a species which is already endangered.
Alberta consistently sees an average of 1400 wildfires each year however, the increased economic costs due to firefighting, equipment, damaged properties, evacuations, insurance, remote housing and food can be a challenge.
Populations of marine wildlife have plummeted by a half on average over the past 40 years with some species suffering far greater declines as a result of habitat loss, overfishing, rising sea temperatures and worsening ocean acidity, a major report has found.
All persons practicing veterinary medicine in North Carolina shall report these listed diseases and conditions to the State Veterinarian's office by telephone within two hours after the disease is reasonably suspected to exist.
Landmark report says invasive species are major threat to biodiversity and dealing with them requires global cooperation
There were no bugs buzzing around the lights in the parking lot.
The Institute of Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP) Tribes and Climate Change Program is publishing a report called the Status of Tribes and Climate C...
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