Search our collection of background (non-event) articles from news media, science journals and other sources.
The mountain lion was the first reported sighting of the species in Southeast Alaska since 1998.
In recent years, researchers have documented salmon surviving in North Slope rivers, bowhead whales expanding their foraging grounds and humpbacks moving into the Arctic.
Snowy owls are migrating to Maine this winter due to an abundance of food in their Arctic breeding grounds. Observers are advised on ethical viewing practices to avoid disturbing these birds.
A new conservation initiative allows the Nuiqsut community and its Native corporation to oversee 1 million acres around Teshekpuk Lake to protect caribou habitat from oil drilling impacts.
Orcas have begun to inhabit Arctic waters due to melting sea ice, posing threats to local whale species and potentially affecting Indigenous communities reliant on these ecosystems.
Deer populations in southwestern British Columbia have expanded beyond historical levels, causing significant harm to forest plants and bird species. This article explores the impacts and possible solutions to manage deer populations and restore ecological balance.
A new report reveals a rise in polar bears on land and dangerous travel conditions in Northwest Alaska due to climate change.
The report reveals an unusual increase in polar bear presence on land in Northwest Alaska due to declining sea ice, posing challenges for human-bear interactions and travel safety, while warming temperatures and shifting seasons complicate traditional travel and hunting practices.
The H5N1 bird flu virus has recently been detected in Alaskan wildlife, primarily affecting species like geese, ducks, and eagles. No human cases have been reported, but it poses a significant risk to domestic poultry flocks.
Efforts to restore urban waterways have led to spawning salmon returning to Metro Vancouver streams, highlighting the success of rehabilitation projects amidst industrial and residential areas.
The wolf population in northern Norway, particularly in Finnmark, is rising, with DNA tests indicating their origins in Russia, a development complicated by halted scientific exchanges between Norway and Russia due to geopolitical tensions.
The aurora borealis has been visible in southern Canada due to peak solar activity, a phenomenon that might continue for several more years.
The South-central Invasive Species Strike Team is actively working in Bristol Bay to manage and control the spread of invasive species, such as Bird Vetch, which threaten local ecosystems essential for subsistence in Alaska.
Unusually large amounts of sea ice have brought more polar bears from Northeast to South Greenland, with many unable to return due to currents.
The unusually hot summer weather in the Moscow region this year may trigger an increase in populations of invertebrate species, the regional Environmental Ministry said this week.
ADF&G has confirmed the spread of the invasive European green crab in Alaska, urging increased monitoring and public awareness to mitigate its destructive impact on local ecosystems.
A potential rat sighting on St. Paul Island, which has maintained a rat-free status for over two decades, prompts urgent conservation efforts to protect local seabirds and wildlife.
An increase in chum salmon in the Canadian Arctic, potentially linked to climate change, may be the same fish missing from Western Alaska, raising ecological concerns.
Sea ice loss, warming waters and the northward expansion of fish species like pollock are all contributing to a pattern in the Bering Strait region known as “borealization.” That means the Arctic ecosystem is becoming more like the boreal region to the south.
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