Search our collection of background (non-event) articles from news media, science journals and other sources.
A rare genetic mutation has resulted in a blue magnificent tree frog, a normally green species, spotted in Western Australia.
There is a worldwide epidemic of deformed amphibians and the frequency of affected animals is higher in Alaska than in most parts of the United States. Wood frogs have been turning up in Alaska with abnormal legs and jaws, sometimes even with extra legs.
Plastic pollution is threatening the wildlife in the Mekong River Basin.
The top of the world saw record-beating average temperatures flashing through all three summer months.
Earth’s natural cycles can’t account for the recent warming seen over the past 100 years, new research suggests.
The Ranavirus virus has been found in a turtle in Hamilton's Cootes Paradise wetland. It generally leads to organ failure and death within four weeks.
Last year's drought summer resulted in halved grass crops in Eastern Norway compared to the previous year, according to recent figures from Statistics Norway. - The consequences of the drought continue to affect the daily lives of many farmers, says Lars Petter Bartnes, leader of the Norwegian Farmers' Union.
Scientist Brad Lister returned to Puerto Rican rainforest after 35 years to find 98% of ground insects had vanished
A 2008 report by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency said there were at least 486 invasive alien plant species alone in Canada.
Climate change is ravaging the natural laboratory that inspired Darwin. The creatures here are on the brink of crisis.
Wild and free. That’s the new life for a herd of 31 plains bison which have finally been fully reintroduced to the backcountry of Banff National Park for the first time in 140 years.“These are not a captive display herd.
Alberta consistently sees an average of 1400 wildfires each year however, the increased economic costs due to firefighting, equipment, damaged properties, evacuations, insurance, remote housing and food can be a challenge.
Like a horde of slimy green zombies, the incredibly invasive American bullfrog is hopping the border into the West Kootenay.
All persons practicing veterinary medicine in North Carolina shall report these listed diseases and conditions to the State Veterinarian's office by telephone within two hours after the disease is reasonably suspected to exist.
On the last Sunday in April, I received a brief but exciting message. “Frogs are singing,” Barbara Carlson notified me.
Landmark report says invasive species are major threat to biodiversity and dealing with them requires global cooperation
There were no bugs buzzing around the lights in the parking lot.
The Institute of Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP) Tribes and Climate Change Program is publishing a report called the Status of Tribes and Climate C...
It’s not always lethal, but the fungus has decimated frog populations around the world and is thought to be responsible for up to 90 extinctions. Researchers aren’t sure how it got to Alaska, but it has been observed here since the year 2000.
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