Hundreds upon hundreds of specimens known as "sea pickles" washed up on Monterey Bay beaches on Thursday. As explained by the Monterey Bay Aquarium, "Big waves and strong currents are pushing pyrosomes onto local beaches.
"In the midfield of my dive this school of blacksmith suddenly appeared. They were hiding from cormorants that dove into the water."
Major Mola Moment: First Confirmed Hoodwinker Sunfish Photographed in Monterey Bay!!
Conservationists are rejoicing this spring over Steelhead Trout numbers in the Carmel River. "The count is up," said Haley Ohms a project scientist with University of California Santa Cruz.
Alex Weber discovered more than 50,000 balls in the ocean near coastal California golf courses. When golf balls degrade, as these were doing, they release plastic particles and toxic chemicals.
July 23, 2007 – Over the last five years, large, predatory Humboldt squid have moved north from equatorial waters and invaded the sea off Central California, where they may be decimating populations of Pacific hake, an important commercial fish.
A late-season Pacific storm that brought damaging winds and more rain and snow to saturated California was blamed for at least two deaths.