Alaska experiences unusual weather with multiple false springs, marked by warm periods followed by heavy snow or cold, casting doubt on the arrival of summer.
In past years observers reported on changes in the timing of when spring crust snow develops in Glen Alps. This year the crust is developing at lower elevation(s) but not at Glen Alps. Is it spring in Anchorage and still winter in the Chugach?
An amphibian was seen crossing a ski trail in the Sierra Nevada mountains in January, an unusual sighting that may indicate changing hibernation patterns.
The unseasonably warm and wet conditions thought to be factor in amphibian sighting.
Unseasonable blooming of goldenrod (Subphylum Angiospermae).
Autumn colors have been quite delayed this year, maybe ten days to two weeks later than "usual"
Is the abundance of insects unusual? Updates from around the state with picking and weather impacts.
"We usually pick salmon berries in early July."
A 24-hour, 245 mile survey of fireweed plants from Anchorage to Seldovia revealed an almost complete absence of flowering.
Open water in February.
"Swallows usually show up in the spring time or when winter months are over in Alaska."
We typically see them blooming in June and most of them have been without blooms for months.
Over the past five years, there has been a steady increase in the number of dandelions spread throughout the surrounding area of Iqaluit.
Landslide at 3 mile PSN happened outside the typical time of year for slides.
The first observations of orchids in the area were in 2020. Now they are becoming more common.
"Now I have seen the current muddy at break up but usually after prolonged warming and winds. This one is about a month ahead of the game."
"We used to have snowmobile races on the ocean ice in front of Elim during the first weekend in April but we cannot have any races this year."
This small owl was sighted perching under a building. LEO Network looking for some help on an identification.
Pussy willows sprouting on March 1st! This is the second time in Kotzebue that a March bloom has been documented in LEO Network., but this time it is much earlier.
Spring like thaw a week after winter begins: During the 3 days it got warm and the water going its usual route as it does in the spring when it thaws out, but this was a week after winter began.
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